06 March 2009

A bi-partisan message in support of volunteer service.

Two congressmen, Michael Honda (D-CA), and Thomas Petri (R-WI), who served as Peace Corps volunteers in the late 1960s, have teamed up to write an opinion piece published by the Christian Science Monitor describing their experiences in support of Kennedy & Hatchthe bi-partisan initiative of Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), who are championing the Serve America Act to, "bolster volunteerism across the board – from a Clean Energy Service Corps to an Education Corps to a Healthy Futures Corps."

Citing links between unemployment and murder rates, among others, the Congressmen demonstrate that violent crime rates are tied to relative poverty - and the U.S.A. ranks highest among developed nations in its inequality levels and poverty rates. We've got a problem.
"Poverty is not political, nor is the need or call for service. Helping our neighbors through public service, whether on this continent or another, brings a broad spectrum of benefits, from boosted self-esteem to a bolstered sense of security. It serves the greater good of our community and theirs."
From something as fundamental as a food drive to the much longer commitment of living overseas in El Salvador or Somalia as the two Congressmen did as Peace Corps Volunteers, simply giving to others - to bring hope and build the capacity for self-improvement - is one of the most personally rewarding actions we ever undertake.

Peace Corps

Be inspired - however you define your community, be it your neighborhood or the planet - act.

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